The Registrar Human Resource Development and Training H/W Katushabe Prossy has chaired a staff meeting in the training hall at Judicial Training Institute(JTI), Nakawa.
The meeting was purposed to introduce all staff new and old to each other and discuss strategies on how to work well as a team.
Being her first meeting with staff ever since she assumed office , the Registrar JTI has informed Judicial officers and all staff that she was ready to work with them and expected everyone to perform their duties with due diligence.
In the meeting a number of patient ideas, concerns and expectations were discussed and agreed upon.
The meeting was attended by the Deputy Registrar JTI ,Research and Law Reporting ,H/W Gladys Nakibuule , Acting Deputy Registrar JTI in charge Training,H/W Faisal Mulalira Umar ,H/W Joel Wegoye ,Senior Magistrate Grade One , Grade One Magistrates attached to the Institute;
H/W Marion Mangeni, H/W Pamela Karamagi ,H/W Obizu Mallen ,H/W Namono Maureen and non Judicial JTI staff .