*Team from Zambian Judiciary on ULII benchmarking visit* The Judicial Training Institute(JTI) is hosting a seven-member delegation from the Zambian Judiciary who are on a two-day benchmarking tour on Law Reporting . The Zambian team was received by Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire, Chairperson Law Reporting Committee who also represented Justice Mike Chibita (Chairperson, JTI Governing Council). He also briefed them on Uganda Legal Information
Institute’s staffing, operations and innovations in the Ugandan Judiciary . The head of delegation, Lady Justice Roydah Mwanakulya Chinungi Kaoma, Judge of the Supreme Court said that they expect to learn on how to sustain and access content from ULII and to also pick on other best practices from the Ugandan Judiciary. The team will be taken through different topics including; Sustainability of Law Reporting as a Business and Production of Law Reporting, the Judicial Training Institute of the Ugandan Judiciary: Legal and Administrative Structures, The experience of Law Reporting in the Judiciary of Uganda: Challenges and Prospects and Integration of ICT in Law Reporting and Research. The Zambian team will also visit the LDC Printery Offices. The meeting was attended by Court of Appeal Justice, Fredrick Martin Stephen Egonda-Ntende, Lady Justice Damalie N Lwanga (Executive Director JTI), HW Dr Gladys Nakibuule Kisekka, Deputy Registrar Research and in-charge Law Reporting, HW Faisal Mulalira Umar, Acting Deputy Registrar JTI and the team from ULII. HW Prossy Katushabe, Registrar JTI moderated the session.